Everything You Need to Know About Starting Your Own MVNO

March 20, 2023

Everything You Need To Know About Starting Your Own MVNO

All kinds of companies—from banks and big-box stores to supermarkets and enterprises–are launching their own mobile brands through a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) approach. An MVNO is a wireless service provider that partners with a platform infrastructure and a Mobile Network Operator such as AT&T and then resells a branded mobile service to its customers. AireSpring Wireless is a Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNE), offering a light MVNO model that combines the platform operating infrastructure with the Mobile Network Operator solution. It also includes all the key front-end interface tools that will simplify the time, effort, and cost of launching your own branded MVNO.

Why launch an MVNO?

MVNOs are cost-effective and easy to set up. A company can set themselves apart from larger, more established mobile operators and service providers by offering a unique branding and marketing approach that is combined with a high touch level of customer service and support with complimentary pricing and service plans. The MVNO model is well-suited for service providers such as Communications Service Providers (CSP), Internet Service Providers (ISP), Managed IT service providers, media and broadcast outlets, social media platforms, energy suppliers, and many others.

Establishing an MVNO

MVNOs are commonly available in two versions: Light MVNO and Full MVNO. Light MVNO is newer and typically hosts Mobile Network Operators solutions within a combined operating infrastructure, whereas Full MVNO model requires considerable investment and expertise to establish an operating platform and then integrate it into the core network of a mobile network operator. Light MVNOs are changing the landscape of MVNOs and allowing companies with unique brands and sales marketing strengths to easily enter the MVNO marketplace.  Technical expertise is no longer the driver or barrier to entry, in the new world of MVNOs. Businesses and organizations with a large base of customers and  followers can cross-sell into MVNO services. This includes professional organizations and celebrities with star power within the sporting and entertainment arena.  Universities, clubs, affiliations, and religious institutions also all have the power to play in the MVNO marketplace thanks to AireSpring Wireless’ turnkey MVNE solution. We offer custom options with our cloud platform and API infrastructure, as well as optional market-facing features such as our CRM platform, customer care modules, brandable mobile app, tax engine, and merchant solution, making it simple to enter the MVNO space.

Choosing an MVNE

How to choose an MVNE that will help you create and launch your own branded mobility business? First, choose a partner with a strong financial foundation. Choosing a partner or conduit to run your business is important. They need to be stable; otherwise it is extremely risky.

You will also need to have a lot of flexibility to create, build, and manage the service plans that align with or match your clientele’s needs. Managing the day-to-day requirements should not be overwhelming and should not exhaust your resources or time.  AireSpring’s offers an automated environment that makes running the business easy and fun. The day-to-day tasks become effortless, while our tools help you to maximize the profits for your MVNO business. The AireSpring Wireless team are experts and have launched many MVNOs over the last five years. We truly understand the marketplace. With AireSpring, service providers can launch an MVNO in 30 to 45 days using our cloud based Light MVNO platform and brandable portal, or separately access via APIs and then combined with a partnership on the best Mobile Network Operator in the US market. We offer many plans and custom options, including unlimited talk and text, with many different data bundles. Our front-end tools provide an eSIM platform, brandable custom care modules, and an ILD VoIP app with complete CRM functionality to enhance marketing sales, with integration options into a tax engine and merchant solution.  

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